Brush those teeth!
It’s surprising how many dog owners avoid dog tooth-brushing altogether. As dog owners, we should be putting all the effort we can into helping our dogs live long and healthy lives, and dental health is an important part of doing so! Though dogs’ teeth often need professional intervention to keep clean and free of tartar buildup, we’ve found it incredibly helpful to brush at home between professional visits. Here are some tips and insights from us and Baxter & Bella!
If you have a puppy, start NOW! It’s so much easier to start with a young puppy so don’t delay. If you have an older dog, don’t despair. Ease into it slowly aiming to brush one tooth on day one, two on two and so forth. It can be hard to begin and get in the habit, but once you do, they are so much better off.
Always finish with a play session or belly rubs, whatever your dog likes best! For ours, we give them their favorite treat afterward, so they know they can expect the same when we brush their teeth next time!
This starter-pack is incredible if you’re just starting out. The mint flavor is tasty for your dog, and pleasant for you.
Make it rewarding
Begin by letting your dog lick a little bit of your dog-friendly toothpaste off the brush. I also use a finger brush to start with, as it is soft and easy to feel their teeth. Begin brushing one side very gently, raising the lips with your hand. Try not to force open your dog’s mouth, as it will most likely be a power struggle, especially if your dog is big and strong! End the session by letting them lick the remaining toothpaste from the brush.
Tasty toothpaste for dogs is a must! Dogs do not spit out their toothpaste like we humans do, so be sure to buy pet-safe toothpaste, which may be swallowed. There are several different flavors from a myriad of brands available.
Keep it short & Fun
Keep sessions short. Puppies have a short attention span and we want this to be a positive experience. Do not try to brush all of their teeth on day one. Build up to it. Once they let you brush all of their teeth, make sure to get the back teeth well, then reward them and move onto more enjoyable activities. When you’re not spending time brushing their teeth, make sure you’re giving them plenty of chew toys. Chewing helps clean your dog's teeth and we all know puppies love to chew! Provide them with a variety of safe things to chew on!